the last week or so has been crazy. we spent a good week or so getting ready for a
shaklee party. to all who came, i hope you had a good time and learned as much as i did. to those of you who missed it, let me just tell you, i am learning alot. the week after the party was full. i was busy following up with people who came and trying to figure out if i want to dive into shaklee as a potential part-time job. i still don't have an answer there, but yes, i am selling the stuff. confusing, i know. try living in my head.
and then, the summer cold came. first for abby. who so kindly shared it with julia (via many forbidden hugs and some shared bagel that i just missed before it went in juju's mouth). and they were so kind to share it with me. i didn't stand a chance. i had just gotten off of meds for my sinus infection. i hadn't gotten a lot of sleep (steroids are great for inflammation, terrible for your body and horrid if you want to sleep!) and then got zero sleep for two nights with the girlies. oh the joys of parenting. so, i got it. and i was determined this time to NOT go on meds. to beat this cold naturally. something i have never done before.
let's just say that the quantity of garlic that i consumed would easily scare away even the bravest vampire. not only was i popping garlic pills, but i even tried garlic poultices on my face to ward off another sinus infection. last night when i showered (and everyone shouted hallelujah!), i could taste the garlic from the water off of my face. can anyone say nasty? but i think, that maybe, just maybe, i have avoided another sinus infection. the jury is out...we're not counting this until it's in the bag. (do you need another pat phrase?)
so, now we are coming out of survival mode. i have 2 girls that are recovering and now i get to re-establish boundaries, pick up a million dirty tissues that missed the trash cans, fold the 40 loads of laundry and re-make all the beds. got to gid rid of the germs and bad attitudes...and that's just for me.
and then, we head into crunch time. we have a month left until lilburn daze. MUCH to do and learn before then. good if my blogging is sporadic the next month, you'll know why.