we have had an amazingly good day. abby's behavior, although not perfect, was the best it has been--maybe ever. she was a complete delight to be around. and after 10 days of sick, whiny kids, it was positively refreshing. in the midst of changing all the sheets in the house--goodbye germs!--abby decided to have a potato sack race, with pillowcases. of course, julia wanted to join in the fun. i didn't know how that was going to go as julia can't exactly jump, but they had a blast giggling and "jumping" through the house. i'll have to file this away as a good way to get rid of some of that excess winter energy.
old pillows, new look

old pillow

new pillows! (front and back)
Six by the Blue Hutch
So, I've been tagged! I've never been tagged. I feel like I got asked to sit at the table with the cool kids. The funny thing is that Becky thought I would already know my answers. NOT. I'm going to quit trying to plan out my best, most witty response and just go with what hits me now. :)
Six Things I Value:
1. my family. can't imagine what my life would be like without them. don't want to.
2. the truth.
3. bean dip and a good brainless tv show.
4. a hot bath and a good book.
5. friends who love me as i am and are willing to get in my stuff.
6. Jesus. not last, just all encompassing.
Six Things I don't Support:
1. bad customer service.
2. low rise jeans. yes, i wear them, but isn't there some alternative between mommy jeans, me feeling fat in mid-rise jeans and being a plumber if i'm not careful. good grief!
3. people who don't listen well...which means, i don't support myself sometimes.
4. santa. i'm not against him, we just don't "do" santa.
5. fits of all shapes and sizes thrown by my precious angels.
6. lying. yeah, hate it.
Six people I tag (and give something else to put on their to-do list during this already full season--sorry!)
1. Marci
2. Sara
3. Stacey
4. Lisa
5. Liz
6. Leah
what do you value or not??
Just wanted to let you all know that Jon's Etsy Shop is up and running. Tell your friends, your family, your co-workers...you could even tell your enemies-we don't care. I just want to see his artwork going to make others homes happy!
So go check it out!
ge--we bring good things to light
after 2 hours on the phone today trying to track down lightbulbs for my kitchen (ge has decided to quit making them), i wound up talking to a guy right here in gwinnett at a warehouse not far my house. well, in the midst of our conversation, abby came in prompting a "go back to your room, rest time is not over" comment from me. at this point, he comments that i must be a stay at home mom. why yes. his next comment got me sassy, "that must be nice. you don't have to do much, just cook and clean and stuff." you can imagine the fire in my belly. i reigned it in and replied with a mere, "you don't have children do you?" and yes, the tone was sassy. he didn't. anyone surprised? the conversation that followed shocked me though. he said that he didn't want to bring children into a world like this. i get that. it's a crazy, psycho world. i said that i would feel the same way if i didn't have hope.
he asked me, what gave me hope. no politically correct answer here.
what proceeded from there was quite an interesting conversation with a sales rep right around the corner from my house. coincidence that none of the other people i called had what i needed? i don't think so. coincidence that i have been pondering john 16:33 lately. nope. and all to think this came about because they quit making my lightbulb...
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