
a new table

i have a camera with easily accessible pictures--which means greater ease in blogging and thus, more posts!

i thought i'd share this fun idea.  abby has room time every day where she plays quietly in her room.  she used to have a table in her room where she would sit and color, but alas, the table was needed in the playroom.  abby didn't have anywhere to put puzzles together or color.  jon has mentioned several times that he had a piece of plywood that went under his bed when he was little that had trains on it.  maybe it is because his bed is now abby's that this idea came to me.  a piece of plywood with wheels.  abby loves it.  julia loves it.  and i love that it keeps her occupied AND that it slides under her bed when not in use.  hip hip hooray for a husband who is able to build and scraps that made this project cost not a penny!


Unknown said...

Must of been the 80's Tim too had a table kind of like that and it stored under his bed. Love the idea.

Heather said...

I am so glad I found your blog! I try to keep up with you through Misty and am always eager to hear how and what you are doing. You are an amazing Mom! What a great resource your blog is! I would love to stay connected and continue to glean wisdom from you. It's great to see your sweet girls and the blessings God has poured out on you! Come see us sometime, my friend!
Heather and Cord

Amy Ellen said...

very, very cool.

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