
flooding in lilburn

it's been a very surreal day. if you aren't in atlanta, i'm sure you're hearing about all the flooding. and wow. it's flooding. like real genuine flooding....in my sweet little lilburn. surreal.

after being awake from 2:30-4am because of very intense thunder which of course woke up the girls, i finally caught a few hours of sleep only to wake up to jon telling me that my parents had an oak tree fall on their garage.

their cars were completely trapped under the tree and their was another tree blocking the end of their driveway. so off we went to help out where we could. we had to take the circuitous route to avoid flooded rivers (when do you get to every use "circuitous" in a sentence??). on the way home, more flooding. houses with three feet of standing water outside of them. longer route. and we arrived home to find out that our dear next door neighbors basement office flooded and they lost everything. heart breaking.

but i've just been reminded today that it is stuff. it is hassle. it is heart wrenching. and yet there are glimpses of glory. my sweet abby wanted to give her money to her nonnie and papa to help pay for their repairs. it was the first thing out of her mouth. amazing. i see people serving each other selflessly. my husband laboring in the pouring rain to put a tarp on his in-laws roof because he loves them. kindness.

makes me thankful for the things i so often take for granted. things that so many in this world don't have. a warm bed. a dry house. a house stocked full of food. and sweet friends and family to help in the hard seasons.


Jaime said...

We read online last night that a toddler was swept away! That is so crazy! I'm glad that your parents are okay and it was all just "stuff" that was damaged. I can't imagine! It has been raining here and the thunder is the weirdest thing ... it lasts for minutes at a time - like one clap is that long! It is hard to believe that this is all happening in the South, for whom drought is more typical than rain.

Melanie Z. said...

Sorry about your parents' house...but thankful that it was the garage that was hit by the tree. So crazy. Makes you reconsider flood insurance (which I'm sure many people in the area are doing right now).

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