
to blog or not to blog

so, is there anyone still out there that wants to know what's going on in our lives? i keep debating whether or not to start blogging again. it takes time (which is a precious commodity these days), but i like the scrapbook essence of it all. so, who is still out there?


Mariana said...

I used to blog too, but it takes up a surprising amount of time! If you decide to continue, I'm a fan of Thrifty Thusdays. :)

BKicklighter said...

I have to say my heart literally lept when your blog popped up in my reader this morning. I LOVE hearing what's up with you guys.

april said...

I'm still here!

Elise said...

I'm here too, I just started my own for the family.... I don't update very often, but I try.

Josh and Carrie Anne said...

Keep going, even if it is only once every other week/once a month. You will appreciate it in the long run having everything semi-documented. Memories recorded. That's why I do it!

The Great Adventure said...

Yay! I was happy when I saw your new post pop up, too! I love reading about your family and all your neat, thrifty tips. I've missed you :-).

Sara said...

I was wondering if you had abandoned the blogging world! I check back every so often to see if you have updated, and have been meaning to ask if you quit. So, yes, we are still here and would love for you to keep it up!

Katie Nalls said...

I couldn't believe there was something new on here when I checked today :). I love reading what is going on with you and your family, but I know you are pulled in all directions these days. If you have time to write, I'm going to read it. Love you Amy!

Melanie Z. said...

Just thinking about you guys this week...would love to hear from you by blog if you decide to keep it up. I can't seem to find the time or motivation to do it myself, but I love that other people do it!

Ashley said...

I always enjoy reading your blog. It's in my reader and when there's something new I read yours first!

Elizabeth Dark Wiley said...

I'm still here!! Though not as often, not even on my own blog. This little teaching job has me reeling (in a good way). But in the ideal world I'd be checking yours every day and writing on mine at least once a week.

This Place is a Disaster! said...

I agree, my blogs list is stagnant most days. People just lost the desire to blog, it's just a phase for some . . . but not for others, even if a few!

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