
agency #2

i looked at steven curtis chapman's site to see what agencies they recommended. it was a long shot, i knew, but i needed help and was out of options. once there, i found an agency in north carolina. it was in a small town that i had been to many times to visit some dear college friends. their website said that they did adoptions in the philippines. i called and wound up talking to the director for about an hour...on my first call there. this was hugely significant after the experience i had just had. he had just returned from the philippines and had answers to questions that i had been dying for. he was encouraging, supportive and mostly available. so over the next week or two, we kept calling and asking more questions. we were thrilled to have somebody really helping us. we put down our deposit and got things rolling with them. it seemed to be a perfect fit.


TheQ's said...

ames... loving reading this!!! Keep it coming!

amy said...

thanks shann. your comment led me to post more tonight. love you.

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