
movies and games?

we are leaving for vacation on thursday...going with the girls, my parents and jon's parents to lovely hilton head.  i'm excited, ready for a getaway, but the endless details to get our family ready makes me remember why we don't travel more.  :)

anyway, i'm writing to see if you have any recommendations for GAMES or MOVIES.  i'm fresh out of ideas, and i would love some fun games to play with the adults after the kiddos go to bed.  a movie would be nice too.  so, ideas people...give me your ideas.  please!


BKicklighter said...

I just saw Penelope and it was really good.

Anonymous said...

settlers of catan and blockus are hits at our house. yahtzee and scrabble are oldies but goodies.

Lisa said...

We like to play Mexican Train Dominoes. If you don't know how to play, you can buy some dominoes and the directions for it should be inside.

Anonymous said...

an adult game? how about peanut? man, we haven't played that in ages...

movies, movies.. oh! i saw enchanted recently and i really liked it. ^_^ steven enjoyed it too, even though it's "totally a chick-flick." i really think mom would get a kick out of it.

by the way, there is currently a cat (Spaz) on my armrest as i try to type this. she keeps looking at me and making tiny noises to get my attention. it's not food time!!! mff.


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