

tomorrow night we are going to party.
no birthday here.
oh no.
but this girl,
the one whose tenderness will melt you in an instant.

well, she finally is sleeping through the night without a pull-up.
and that, my friends, is cause for celebration.

she wanted to invite friends over. and have presents.
instead, i offered the dinner of her choice.
mac 'n cheese.
(nope, momma can't eat that, and we all eat together at dinner.)
second choice.
homemade pizza
(with my new found love, buffalo mozzerella)
and how about some ice cream? i suggest.
and CAKE! she says.
or maybe brownies?
and CAKE! she grins.

guess whose going to the store tomorrow to buy icing?


Melanie Z. said...

Yippee!!!!!!!!! So proud of her! We had a party for Sandra, too. :)

amy said...

the funniest part, mel, is that the night i posted this, she wet the bed. oh well! we are moving in the right direction. :)

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