
my big girl

i wanted to take a moment and comment on how my big girl is growing up.
here is a list of things that she has learned to do in the last two weeks:

take a shower without any assistance
braid her doll's hair
started piano lessons (listening to her practice is wonderfully entertaining in and of itself)

she even helped me cook dinner last night!
we each had a skillet and made fried rice together.
hers was better.
i love this stage where she is just so ready to learn new things.
and i cannot believe she's about to be seven. wow.


Ashley said...

I can't believe she's about to be 7either!!!!! Especially when I think about the fact that the first time I saw her bobble out of the hallway one of the first nights of bible study (with her hair in pigtails on top of her head!) she was about micaiah's age. My how she has grown!

amy said...

ash, has it really been that long!?! wow. wow.

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