has it been two weeks since i've written? where have those days gone? oh yeah, the newborn coma phase passed and somebody has been a little needier. and how could i forget, we started back with homeschooling. the days roar by with barely a chance to blink, much less blog.
one fun story while the bottle warms. we got to go to the beach. not just any beach. we got to go to hilton head last weekend. which just happens to be our favorite place to go.
after a hard week of struggling to believe that God would meet our needs financially, He blew my socks off. my parents were planning on going with some friends of theirs, but due to unexpected health issues, their friends had to cancel. so on thursday, mom and dad invited us to join them the next day for four days, three nights at this GORGEOUS resort on the beach with 3 different pools-two heated. all it would cost us was the gas. jon and i talked. were we crazy to venture this kind of trip with a newborn (and while i had a sinus infection)? probably, but then we decided, why not!
oh, and then, when jon told his parents that we were going, they offered to pay for our gas. so our trip would only cost food (which we would have to eat anyway!) what a gift. i think God dumped it into my lap to remind me that He is provider. not just of my needs, but He blesses me far beyond my needs. we were going to try to go to the beach in the fall. it would have cost us more (obviously). where we stayed wasn't on the beach (but within walking distance). we wouldn't have had extra hands to help. the pool wasn't the best (and that was definitely the girls FAVORITE part of this trip). He just gave me more than i would have asked for. so so kind.
so hopefully, this weekend i can get back to telling our story. i just thought i'd let you know where i had been. :)
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