i haven't been the most consistent lately. could it be because we were moving back and forth from my parents house (whose air conditioning went out this weekend) to our STILL unfixed kitchen? probably. but here are some fun shots from the past week or so.

since this picture was taken, the island and all the flooring have been removed (there was dreaded black mold underneath our lovely bamboo flooring) and the pipes are now covered with concrete. one small step for mankind, one giant leap toward moving back home.

julia is beginning to learn how to use a spoon.

or just turn it up...

abby and her cousin went to the carnival at grace to celebrate the end of a fun week at backyard bible club (a concept that i am a big fan of vs. the whole vbs concept i grew up with). and yes, i wound up climbing up the slide to help jack.

abby wanted to be like her nana. so the curly haired girl curled her hair.

and she wanted to help her papa make hamburgers...

until she realized how nasty handling raw meat truly is. no amount of telling her it was like play-doh would convince her otherwise. like mother, like daughter.
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