editor's note (that's me)...we don't need a name after all. so, just consider this interesting info about our lives.
well, giveaway might be a bit of a stretch...how about an exchange? jon and i have decided to partcipate in a local craft festival called lilburn daze. he is going to sell his children's paintings...

so here's where you come in. we need a name for our "organization or business." and both of us are fresh out of creative ideas. give me a name that we choose, i'll give you a prize. and it will be good. promise.
Hand*e*Works (dots instead of asterisks. I don't know how to type suspended dots)
1. craftaholics anonymous.
2. we be crafty. (giggling is happening here)
3. crafts: we know how to do them.
I don't think this will win any prizes, but it's the first thing that came to mind. "Sew Artsy" That's the best I can do for you. :)
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