...not to put the stickers on the furniture. the things we don't tell our kids during room time, because, isn't it obvious?
Dear girl! I just felt like God wanted me to tell you that you are doing a great job with your children and building into their lives.
You are doing great things by His grace.
i was so utterly discouraged when she sent this (and an e-mail this week that was equally encouraging.) it amazed me. she doesn't see me parent. i was just reminded that God will gently lead and encourage those of us who have little ones. he sees my heart. he covers my failings with his grace.
we also had company and abby's behavior was less than stellar. i noticed rolled eyes a couple of times from our guest, and my heart just broke. didn't they know how much we were trying? how much she is learning? how hard our week was in training? didn't they see our hearts? no. they didn't, but the Lord sees. the next night, i was discouraged yet again (someone else rolling eyes! good grief!) i was pondering our many shortcomings as parents, and i looked outside. the sky was pink. it's a special thing between me and the Lord. an intimate reminder to me that He loves me. loves me dearly. i nearly wept.
and then this morning. one thing that i do with abby is try to just pray throughout our day together. nothing fancy. nothing big. just pray as we go. we pray when we hear sirens. all the time. this morning, abby told me she heard a siren late last night and prayed. then, we discovered that our dear neighbor friends' youngest daughter drank motor oil last night and was rushed by ambulance to the hospital late last night. abby was being faithful--and in the process prayed for her friend without knowing. God is at work in her heart. amazes me. (and our little friend is okay.)
so thanks beck for the reminder to look for glimpses of Him. He truly is everywhere.