
detoxing from what?

these are just a few of the meds that have been given to me. most of which i've taken at least some of. good grief! and i wonder why my body is out of whack.


Anonymous said...

I think I see some relpax in there? The "catalac" drug for migranes. I'm sure you could sell some of those on the black market! Just kidding! Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

P.S. - The pharmacy will hate loosing your business, I'm sure.

amy said...

yeah, i'm still keeping my relpax. it has been my saving grace more times than i can count! :) and i could (and should) do a whole post about our pharmacist. bob. he's amazing. very very loved by our family. especially abby. he lets her choose any toy she wants every other time we are there. spoiling her rotten!

Chad and Becky said...

I am so proud of you for doing this really difficult detox. I am praying for you to have relief in the midst of this and that in the long run it really will help you live a more "drug-free" life. I love you, Friend!

By the way, last time I posted a comment I noticed it says "chad said"...well, I figure you know, but just to clarify, this is becky! :-)

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